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Praktikant (m/w) im Bereich Software Engineering

Medexo GmbH
10827 Berlin

Medexo steigert mit seinem Netzwerk aus unabhängigen Spitzenmedizinern und seiner Expertise in medizinischen Prozessen die Service- und Behandlungsqualität im gesamten Gesundheitssystem. Wir wissen um die Herausforderungen und begegnen ihnen mit unseren zielgerichteten Lösungen.
Dabei sind wir ein entscheidender Baustein, um Patienten und Kostenträgern unnötige Behandlungen zu ersparen und die bestmögliche Therapie vorzuschlagen.

Um unsere zielgerichteten Lösungen qualitativ und schnellstmöglich unseren Partnern zur Verfügung zu stellen, suchen wir DICH. Du wirst ein entscheidender Baustein in unseren Projekten für die Software as a Service Lösungen sein.

Deine Aufgabenbereiche:

• Mitwirkung bei der Konzeption, Implementierung und Erweiterung von Softwarekomponenten
• Erstellung und Erweiterung von GUI Komponenten mit AngularJS
• Anwendungslogik in PHP/JavaScript
• Erstellung und Wartung von Datenbanken in MySQL

Das bringst Du mit:

• Du studierst Angewandte, Medien- oder Wirtschaftsinformatik oder einen vergleichbaren Studiengang
• Du befindest Dich mindestens im 3. Fachsemester oder verfügst über 4 Jahre Erfahrung im Programmieren
• Kenntnisse in HTML5 / CSS / Bootstrap / Javascript / JQuery / AngularJS / PHP / MySQL
• Wünschenswerte Fähigkeiten - UI & UX-Design
• Analytische Denkweise
• Eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise
• Objektorientiertes Programmieren
• Agile Entwicklung stellt für Dich kein Problem dar

Dafür bieten wir Dir:

• Eigenständiges Arbeiten sowie die Übernahme von Verantwortung
• Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung
• Ein wachsendes Unternehmen mit viel Raum zur persönlichen Weiterentwicklung
• Eine Kultur, die Eigeninitiative und Ideen fordert und fördert
• Möglichkeiten für eine praxisnahe Abschlussarbeit
• Für Dein Wohl ist gesorgt (lieber Bürohund, Kaffee, Wasser & Mate for free!)

Du fühlst dich dieser Herausforderung gewachsen?!

Sende uns Deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Verfügbarkeit, Gehaltsvorstellung) per Mail an jobs@medexo.com an Tim Niemeyer. Für erste Fragen stehe ich Dir natürlich unter 0151 275 08 513 zur Verfügung.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • PHP
  • Java
  • Datenbanken

Software - Entwickler (m/w)

Confliance GmbH
51105 Köln (Home-Office möglich)
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Software-Entwickler (m/w)

Wir, die Firma Confliance mit Sitz in Köln, sind ein junges StartUp im Bereich Informationssicherheit. Unsere Firmenkunden werden wir mit einem webbasierten Service dabei unterstützen, den steigenden Anforderungen bei Themen wie Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit einfach und kostengünstig gerecht zu werden.
Zur Verstärkung für unser Team suchen wir engagierte, lernfreudige und neugierige Mitarbeiter/-innen. Wenn du Interesse hast, bei einem jungen Unternehmen mit dabei zu sein, von erfahrenen Teammitgliedern lernen möchtest und du Spaß an Teamarbeit hast, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig.

Deine Aufgaben:
• Analyse und Lösung von Entwicklungsaufgaben
• Implementierung einer Webapplikation auf Basis von Spring
• Anwendung von agilen Softwareentwicklungsmethoden im Team
• Code-Analyse, SW-Design
• Erstellung automatisierter Tests, Durchführung von Entwicklertests
• Pflege, Weiterentwicklung und BugFixing bestehender Software - Komponenten
• Umsetzung der Entwicklungsaufgaben innerhalb des Scrum-Teams
• Sicherstellung der Erweiterbarkeit der entwickelten Softwaremodule
• Präsentation der erfolgreichen Umsetzung in regelmäßigen Reviews

Dein Profil:
• Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium oder vergleichbare Qualifikation im Bereich Informatik/Wirtschaftsinformatik
• Kenntnisse in der Entwicklung mit Java (auch EE)
• Erfahrungen im Umgang mit relationalen Datenbanken
• Erste Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Mehrschichtarchitekturen in Java von Vorteil
• Große Bereitschaft zur Einarbeitung in professionelle Software-Entwicklungsprozesse und –tools (agile Software-Entwicklung)
• Lösungsorientiertes und systematisches Denken und Handeln
• Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten, sicheres und freundliches Auftreten
• Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Unser Angebot:
• Interessante und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem jungen StartUp
• Erfahrenes Team und professionelle Strukturen
• Freiraum zur Verwirklichung eigener Ideen in Deinem Verantwortungsbereich
• Flexible Arbeitszeiten
• Unterstützung durch Praktikanten
• Angemessene Vergütung sowie eine Beteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Webentwickler/PHP (m/w) mit Leidenschaft für guten Code!

599media GmbH
09599 Freiberg (Home-Office möglich)
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Du bist Entwickler-/in und hast Spaß daran, richtig guten Code zu schreiben? Du suchst eine Umgebung, in der du dich weiterentwickeln und deine Passion
für gute Websites ausleben kannst? Du möchtest eine Festanstellung und hast es satt, dich selbst um Aufträge als Freelancer zu kümmern oder bist bereit für eine neue Herausforderung?

Neben bereits bestehenden Projekten bei denen Wartung, P ege und Weiterentwicklung anstehen, gibt es vor allem neue Websites umzusetzen. Du arbeitest in unserem Team gemeinsam mit Entwicklern, Konzeptern und Designern an um- fangreichen TYPO3-Projekten, wobei du für die Kon guration sowie für die Entwicklung kundenspezi scher Anpassun- gen und Erweiterungen verantwortlich bist. Dabei kannst du deine Fähigkeiten und Ideen vollumfänglich einbringen, denn wir schauen gern über den Tellerrand und blicken auch mal hinter die Kulissen von Symfony, Solr oder auch Node.js.
Da wir unsere stetig wachsende Anzahl an Kunden auch in Zukunft glücklich machen wollen, brauchen wir dich:
Als Backendentwickler-/in mit Herz und Seele, mit Leidenschaft für guten Code sowie einer Vorliebe für schnelle, gut funktionierende und zukunftstaugliche Websites.

Warum Du?

- sehr gute Kenntnisse in PHP und MySQL
- gute Kenntnisse in HTML, CSS und JavaScript (vorwiegend jQuery)
- idealerweise Erfahrungen mit TYPO3 und TypoScript
- MVC, DDD und Unit-Testing sind keine Fremdwörter
- sicherer Umgang mit git zur Versionsverwaltung
- Fähigkeit sehr sauberen, kompakten und verständlichen Code zu schreiben
- eigenständige Arbeitsweise und Teamfähigkeit

Warum Wir?

- moderner Arbeitsplatz in entspannter Atmosphäre Ruhe zum Nachdenken und Coden Betriebssystem/Hardware frei wählbar
- flexible Arbeitszeiten (Gleitzeit) und ansprechende Vergütung
- flache Hierarchien und ein hilfsbereites Team
- freie Getränke und einen Balkon mit Grill
- regelmäßige Betriebsausflüge und -feiern
- Supermärkte und Imbissstände quasi um die Ecke

Von ein paar Tools hast du gehört, von einigen noch nie?
Macht auch nichts. Es sind nur Tools und die sind im Zweifelsfall erlernbar.

Unsere Mission: Make it perfect. Get better. Be kind and have fun.

Willst du mit uns gehen? Dann be- wirb dich jetzt einfach über unser Online-Bewerbungsformular unter

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • PHP
  • TYPO3

Student Ruby Developer (m/fm)

10961 Berlin

To strengthen our team we, DREAMTALENTS GmbH, are looking for a

(Senior) Ruby Developer (m/fm)

DREAMTALENTS GmbH is a young and succesfull Start up in the field of personnel recruitment.

Your tasks:
• Further development of the front- and backend of the web application

Your profile:
• You are student at a university in the field of computer science (or equal/ longyear experience in this field)
• You have experience in Ruby on Rails-Development (Front- and Backend)
• Ideally you are experienced in working with JavaScript Framework Ember.js
• Ideally you have experience in developing Machine-Learning-algorithms
• You are self contained able to find solutions for challenges in programming
• You are able to communicate in english and/or german.

We offer:
• Flat hierarchies and friendly work environment with an enthusiastic and motivated team
• The chance to accelerate the fast growth of the venture with own ideas (and profit from this)
• Maximum of creative freedom
• Freedom to realize own ideas

Do you want to be part of our success story?

We are looking forward to your appliance!

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Java

(Senior) Ruby Developer (m/fm)

10961 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

To strengthen our team we, DREAMTALENTS GmbH, are looking for a

(Senior) Ruby Developer (m/fm)

DREAMTALENTS GmbH is a young and succesfull Start up in the field of personnel recruitment.

Your tasks:
• Further development of the front- and backend of the web application

Your profile:
• You have a university degree in computer science (or equal/ longyear experience in this field)
• You have experience in Ruby on Rails-Development (Front- and Backend)
• Ideally you are experienced in working with JavaScript Framework Ember.js
• Ideally you have experience in developing Machine-Learning-algorithms
• You are self contained able to find solutions for challenges in programming
• You are able to communicate in english and/or german.

We offer:
• Flat hierarchies and friendly work environment with an enthusiastiv and motivated team
• The chance to accelerate the fast growth of the venture with own ideas (and profit from this)
• Maximum of creative freedom
• Freedom to realize own ideas

Do you want to be part of our success story?

We are looking forward to your appliance!

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Java

Senior Ruby On Rails Developer (f/m) (in Berlin/Germany)

Curated Shopping GmbH
10961 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Our Mission:
MODOMOTO was the first company to offer Curated Shopping Services in Germany in 2011. Since then, our team has grown to more than 200 employees, who are working every day with commitment and passion to revolutionize the men's fashion market. Despite our stellar growth, we have managed to keep the "small company feel" and have a friendly environment where people enjoy to work. We are the advisor and companion on every gentlemen’s journey to a more fashionable and active lifestyle. With the help of our stylish and bespoke outfits, we aim to remove the "stress of shopping" from men's vocabularies forever.

Our Culture:
Do you want to be excited to go to work? Feel like the work you do makes a difference and moves the business in a meaningful way? This is the kind of environment that we strive to provide at MODOMOTO. Freedom and ownership aren't just buzzwords, but how we operate every day.

The Team:
You will be joining a tight-knit team of experts, in which decision-making is open and collaborative. Sharing knowledge and discussing technical strategy is just as much part of our day-to-day as quiet time to deliver excellent code.

Your Role:
As MODOMOTO expands internationally, your work will have immediate impact on our customers and the many departments of MODOMOTO that are serving them. You will be continuously developing and optimizing our system with the goal of making it more reliable, scalable, and performant as we grow. Therefore, we are looking for an experienced, passionate, and self-motivated engineer who will contribute to and influence the direction of this vision. To be successful in this role, you must be a quick learner and have excellent software development skills. You must also be a great communicator and excel at working in a highly collaborative and cross-functional environment. There is no shortage of opportunities to shape the future of our product.

Your Skills:
- You desire to work in a fast paced and dynamic environment
- You have at least 3 to 5 years of practical experience as a web developer and a strong knowledge of Ruby (especially Rails)
- You enjoy finding the small-but-important details, dealing with "Clean Codes"
- You have passion for building distributed, reliable, scalable, low-latency, service-oriented web services.
- You have experience with object-oriented programming and design patterns.
- You're motivated by "the art of the possible" and are able to balance idealism and pragmatism with your solutions.
- You may have experience building applications using Amazon Web Services and EC2.

We look forward to receiving your CV and whatever you think might be relevant to job@modomoto.de
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime!

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Ruby on Rails

Senior Softwareentwickler PHP (m/w)

CTS EVENTIM Solutions GmbH
28195 Bremen
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Ihre Herausforderung:
- Sie entwickeln agil und testgetrieben nach SCRUM mit Enterprise PHP, JavaScript und MySQL
- Sie evaluieren innovative Techniken und begleiten deren Einsatz
- Für die von Ihnen entwickelten Teilprojekte agieren Sie als technischer Ansprechpartner
- Sie sind für die kontinuierliche Optimierung bestehender Anwendungen und Prozesse verantwortlich
- Sie übernehmen Verantwortung für die Qualitätssicherung und das Deployment durch Automatisierung
- Sie sind Teil unseres exzellenten Teams bei der Bearbeitung nationaler und internationaler Projekte aus dem Sport Umfeld
- Eine Entwicklung zum Teamleiter (m/w) ist möglich

Ihre Qualifikation:
- Sie haben Ihr Informatik Studium abgeschlossen oder verfügen über eine ähnliche Ausbildung
- Sie können eine mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung von professionellen Websites vorweisen und bringen insbesondere Kenntnisse in PHP, Symfony2, Zend-Framework, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, Selenium, Behat und PHPUnit mit
- Zudem kennen Sie sich mit NOSQL und Datenbanken aus (wie MySQL, Cluster, Redis, MongoDB)
- Sie haben bereits testgetrieben mit Continuous Delivery entwickelt
- Sie haben idealerweise Erfahrung in der Nutzung mit Versionskontrollsystemen (Git, subversion) sowie in den Programmiersprachen Java und C++ und Shell-Scripting unter Linux
- In Ihrer bisherigen Laufbahn haben Sie eigene Projekte verantwortet und idealerweise bereits erste Führungserfahrung gesammelt
- Ihre Stärke sehen Sie in Ihrem team- und lösungsorientierten Wesen und Ihrer ausgeprägten Motivation

Bewerben Sie sich jetzt online (http://bit.ly/1PbbHAm) mit Ihren vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen bei Europas führendem Anbieter für Ticketing und Live Entertainment.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • PHP
  • HTML & CSS

Web Developer (m/w)

Inter-Connect Marketing GmbH
80636 München
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Inter-Connect Marketing GmbH ist eine renommierte Repräsentanz für Kreuzfahrt- und Hotelmarketing. Seit über 26 Jahren vertreten wir weltweit bekannte Reedereien wie Carnival Cruise Line, Princess Cruises, P&O Cruises und Cunard (AT & CH), das Fremden verkehrsamt Curaçao und eine Vielzahl von karibischen und amerikanischen Hotels. Für unsere neue Abteilung IT-Technologie und zur kontinuierlichen Wartung und Aktualisierung unserer Softwaresysteme suchen wir in München in Vollzeit einen Web Develper (m/w).

Ihre Aufgabengebiete:
• Kontinuierliche Wartung/Pflege der Software-Architektur und des Designs
• Allgemeine Softwareentwicklung auf der Basis von LAMP/node.js
• Fehler- und Ursachenanalyse und Entwicklung und Durchführung von Lösungsoptionen
Ihr Profil:
• Engagierte Persönlichkeit mit abgeschlossenem Hochschulstudium in der Fachrichtung Informatik oder vergleichbare Ausbildung mit einschlägiger Berufserfahrung (bevorzugt im Bereich Tourismus)
• Kenntnisse in der Entwicklung von responsive Designs in HTML5/JS/SASS
• Kenntnisse in PHP/CMS (Drupal7)
• Projektmanagement-Erfahrung, JIRA und CRM-Kenntnisse von Vorteil
• Methodisch strukturierte und analytische Denkweise und ausgeprägte Kommunikationsstärke

Unser Angebot:
• Interessantes und abwechslungsreiches internationales Produktportfolio
• Angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld in einem dynamischen Team in modernen Räumlichkeiten im Herzen von München
• Leistungsgerechte Vergütung

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • PHP
  • TYPO3
  • HTML & CSS

Agile Coach (f/m)

Home24 AG
10405 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

We’re hiring an Agile Coach (f/m)

We are looking for an enthusiastic coacher to help our product teams to create the best experience for our customers and internal stakeholders. Your role as an Agile Coach is to drive continuous improvement for the agile processes and team dynamics, coaching the groups to self-organize. You will facilitate the internal rituals making sure that everything runs smoothly and helping define continuous process improvement. In addition, you will work closely with the Product Owners and Engineer Managers to ensure coordination and communication of teams’ interdependencies, solving communication issues proactively.

What you get to drive
• Help the groups to create a positive agile culture and improve their working methods
• Facilitate effective meetings and agile practices including Release planning, Sprint Planning, Daily Stands-up, Sprint Reviews and Retrospectives
• Maintain transparency into the team’s work through relevant metrics and consistent performance indicators
• Work closely together with the Product Owners, Engineer Managers and Lead Developers in managing interactions and cross-team communications
• Coach and propose solutions for the continuous process improvement within the team
• Help identify and mitigate any external dependency risks in feature/product development
• Take care of team dynamics, preventing conflicts and ensuring new members integrate successfully

What we offer you
• High-end computers (tower/laptop) with SSD hard disk, 16G of memory and 4х Xeon 3,X Ghz + 2x 24 inch screens
• Skill-dependent, negotiable salary – don’t hesitate to approach us
• Opportunities for advancement – independence and the opportunity to take on responsibility
• A highly motivated team of professional developers, database and system operators, quality and product managers
• Openness to new ideas and creativity
• Benefits as employee discount, team events, free fruit, drinks and more
• If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Your strengths and experience
• MA/MS in Engineering, Informatics, Management Information Systems, Communications or related fields is ideal
• 2+ years experience as Agile Coach with multiple teams
• Experience with Scrum, Kanban, XP or other agile processes
• Deep knowledge of software development life cycle and best practices
• Ability to handle conversations about Continuous Integration, Test Driven Development etc.
• Comfortably switch between roles: motivator - coacher - negotiator - conflict solver
• Startup mindset, act as a product manager or QA when necessary
• Exceptional communication and presentation skills in English, German is a plus

If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Director of Quality Assurance (m/f)

Home24 AG
10405 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

We’re hiring a Director of Quality Assurance (m/f)

We have a fantastic opportunity for a Director of QA to join us to lead and grow our agile QA teams to meet the ever demanding analytics needs of Home24. We’re a two sided technology company with demands to test both our internal enterprise systems that run our business and our internet platform including web shop and native applications. Both need to joined up for us to be successful. We’re looking for a natural leader who can align our approach to testing across our business.
By selecting leading testing technologies you’ll guide your team to adopt best industry practices and implement a modern test strategy. You’ll lead by example, inspire and develop a team of talented test engineers to achieve their potential delivering high quality solutions to help Home24 deliver exceptional quality world class solutions. This position is full-time and based in our great office in Berlin

What you get to drive
• Define and implement a blended automated and manual test strategy for both internet and enterprise solutions
• Build a QA team of professionals with appropriate skills, attitudes and motivation
• Lead and develop the team of talented test engineers to reach their true potential
• Work closely with Engineering, Product and Enterprise leadership to drive our test strategy
• Set clear goals and create a great work environment based on ownership, accountability and trust, in collaboration with the engineering and management teams
• Advocate and introduce modern software development practices (CI/CD, test automation etc.)
• Champion test engineering and operational excellence, establishing metrics and processes for continuous assessment and improvement

What we offer you
• Opportunity to work with great inspiring people
• Benefits as employee discount, team events, free fruit, drinks and more
• Skill-dependent, negotiable salary – don’t hesitate to approach us

Your strengths and experience
• BS or MS degree in Computer Science or a related technical field
• A strong background in traditional and agile test methodologies
• A clear understanding of automated test strategies and tooling
• Well versed in automated technologies with previous experience of implementing automated test strategies
• Ability to deal with complexity and develop a strategy in a fast paced environment
• Clear understanding of business needs and able to operate with agility at speed
• A natural people leader with excellent communication skills
• Proven experience in managing large, distributed, multi-cultural teams
If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Product Manager - Order Fulfillment (f/m)

Home24 AG
10405 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Home24 is Europe’s largest online destination for home furniture and decor. Being a dynamic, fast-growing market leader, our goal is to consistently provide our customers with the best service and assortment. Backed by well-known investors, we are among the top 20 of Europe’s fastest growing e-commerce companies and with a valuation of USD 1 bn one of the most attractive and highly valued opportunities in tech.

Home24 is currently active in 8 countries in Europe and Latin America. We employ more than 1,000 people worldwide and are looking to expand our team with dedicated top talents and experts who are ready to grow with us. Our dynamic and international team works with great passion and enthusiasm towards a great goal: To revolutionize the Home & Living market.

We’re are looking for talented innovative people who want to make a real difference to join our team. In maintaining our startup culture we know we won’t be right for everyone, but if you’re looking for the opportunity to make a real difference, achieve your full potential, and be given the space and support to do it read on…

We’re hiring a Product Manager - Order Fulfillment (f/m)

Home24 is searching for a Product Manager - Order Fulfillment with substantial experience in order fulfilment processes on a large-scale platform. In this position, you will be responsible for articulating business requirements by both applying industry best practices and standards but also thinking outside the box. You will need to be a major influencer in the design and development of our fulfilment process and bring an intense focus on driving process quality, automation and customer satisfaction.

What you get to drive
• Develop a clear technology vision, strategy and implementation plan for our order fulfilment platform
• Model current and target state business process flows to help identify business process gaps and identify solutions that align with business strategies
• Gather, analyze and assess business requirements and recommend IT solutions with all relevant stakeholders across organizational boundaries
• Create and manage documentation throughout the lifecycle of the project to ensure the work we do is visible now and in the future through concept, requirements, design, test, and implementation
• Incorporate industry research and market analysis into business requirements and software architecture
• Working closely with our technical experts, translate business requirements into technical specifications
• Collaborate with business and IT teams to balance business requirements with technical feasibility and prioritize bug fixes/enhancement requests effectively
• Perform measures to achieve the desired level of quality
• Constantly improve processes, interfaces and UIs with the goal of a lean company
• Create a minimum set of Key Performance Indicators and continually measure success against them

What we offer you
• Chance to make an impact! We need leaders with an aptitude and appetite for challenge, growth and change!
• Ability to shape highly strategic and pivotal IT projects that builds the basis for the next level of Home24’s growth strategy
• A highly motivated team of professional designers, developers, analysts, database and system operators, quality and product managers
• Opportunity to work with smart and talented people across the entire company as well as some very inspiring leaders with exceptional vision and drive!
• Opportunities for advancement – autonomy, independence, the opportunity to take on responsibility and standing accountable for delivery
• An open-minded and adaptive culture ready for incorporating new and creative ideas and approaches
• A merit-centric environment – A “Zero Politics” workplace
• Access to the Rocket Internet technology network
• Skill-dependent, negotiable salary – don’t hesitate to approach us
• A freshly furnished office space showcasing our assortment
• Internal leadership training and development
• International colleagues from over 30 different countries
• Relocation support for our international recruits
• Benefits including employee discounts on all of our assortment, team events, free fruit and drinks, German language classes and more!

Your strengths and experience
• BS or MS degree in Computer Science / Business Engineering or similar
• Operating at a senior management level in a Technology department but also broadly across the business
• Understand business processes quickly and having the ability to do cost / benefit analysis
• Building relationships and managing senior stakeholders in challenging, evolving environments
• Deal with complexity and develop a strategy in a fast-paced environment
• Engage and influence employees, peers and service consumers
• Modeling techniques and methodologies
• Have solid operations (i.e. supply chain management, warehousing, distribution) and financial business knowledge
• The Art of Simplicity - simplifying processes while still solving problems
• Excellent communication skills
• Retail, e-Commerce or Logistics sectors are beneficial

If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Senior Architect (f/m)

Home24 AG
10405 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Home24 is Europe’s largest online destination for home furniture and decor. Being a dynamic, fast-growing market leader, our goal is to consistently provide our customers with the best service and assortment. Backed by well-known investors, we are among the top 20 of Europe’s fastest growing e-commerce companies and with a valuation of USD 1 bn one of the most attractive and highly valued opportunities in tech.

Home24 is currently active in 8 countries in Europe and Latin America. We employ more than 1,000 people worldwide and are looking to expand our team with dedicated top talents and experts who are ready to grow with us. Our dynamic and international team works with great passion and enthusiasm towards a great goal: To revolutionize the Home & Living market.

We’re are looking for talented innovative people who want to make a real difference to join our team. In maintaining our startup culture we know we won’t be right for everyone, but if you’re looking for the opportunity to make a real difference, achieve your full potential, and be given the space and support to do it read on…

We’re hiring a Senior Architect (f/m)

We’re have a great opportunity for a Senior Architect to join our team to help us make the right technology choices to enable us to build a scalable technology platform. We’re a two sided technology company with demands to integrate our internal enterprise systems that run our business with our e-commerce platform. We’re investing in developing a new fulfillment platform that will enable the company to scale. We need to join seamlessly for Home24 to be successful. We’re looking for a natural leader who can help us choose the right technologies, frameworks and design patterns, guide us in defining templates that enable us to build services in the right technology quickly, efficiently to the desired quality first time.

We’re looking for someone who can guide our engineering and technology teams to make the right informed decisions to build a scalable fast durable platform that supports both enterprise and cloud based internet solutions. If you’re the right candidate you’ll have solid experience in building service-oriented platforms that can integrate a mixed set of technologies.

Culturally you’ll be seen as an inspirational leader by our engineers. You’ll be able to convince our team with both your methodical approach and by the knowledge you have gained in architecting highly scalable modern SOA platforms elsewhere.

You’ll be pragmatic in technology choices to confirm they answer the business and technical challenges without introducing unnecessary complexity. You’ll be looking for the opportunity to join a team who has started the move into micro services and wants

What you get to drive
• Take ownership for the definition and development roadmap for our e-commerce and fulfillment platform
• Work with engineers to agree technology choices to bring into our platform
• Provide the long term vision on which technologies should be on our roadmap for future developments and platform refinement
• Inspire and guide our engineering team to make the right technology choices
• Work closely with Engineering, Product and Enterprise leadership to develop our platform strategy
• Make technology choices that meet the business and technology needs without introducing unnecessary complexity
• Work with our engineering tooling teams to remove friction and enable other teams to focus on producing business solutions
• Produce Proof of Concept solutions to demonstrate technology choices
• Advocate and introduce modern software development practices
• Champion Home24 as a place of technical innovation
What we offer you
• Chance to make an impact! We need leaders with an aptitude and appetite for challenge, growth and change!
• Ability to shape highly strategic and pivotal IT projects that builds the basis for the next level of Home24’s growth strategy
• A highly motivated team of professional designers, developers, analysts, database and system operators, quality and product managers
• Opportunity to work with smart and talented people across the entire company as well as some very inspiring leaders with exceptional vision and drive!
• Opportunities for advancement – autonomy, independence, the opportunity to take on responsibility and standing accountable for delivery
• An open-minded and adaptive culture ready for incorporating new and creative ideas and approaches
• A merit-centric environment – A “Zero Politics” workplace
• Access to the Rocket Internet technology network
• Skill-dependent, negotiable salary – don’t hesitate to approach us
• A freshly furnished office space showcasing our assortment
• Internal leadership training and development
• International colleagues from over 30 different countries
• Relocation support for our international recruits
• Benefits including employee discounts on all of our assortment, team events, free fruit and drinks, German language classes and more!

Your strengths and experience
• BS or MS degree in Computer Science
• Highly skilled in the design and modelling of architectures
• A strong background in developing solutions for an enterprise platform incorporating ESB and ERP solutions.
• Strong development background in developing (micro) services in modern development languages such as Java, Scala, Golang, Javascript
• Experience of developing and deploying to cloud platforms such as AWS and GCP
• Ability to deal with complexity and develop a strategy in a fast paced environment
• Clear understanding of business needs and able to operate with agility at speed
• A natural people leader with excellent communication skills
• Proven experience in working with large, distributed, multi-cultural teams
If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Senior IT Business Analyst – Order Fulfillment (f/m)

Home24 AG
10405 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Home24 is Europe’s largest online destination for home furniture and decor. Being a dynamic, fast-growing market leader, our goal is to consistently provide our customers with the best service and assortment. Backed by well-known investors, we are among the top 20 of Europe’s fastest growing e-commerce companies and with a valuation of USD 1 bn one of the most attractive and highly valued opportunities in tech.

Home24 is currently active in 8 countries in Europe and Latin America. We employ more than 1,000 people worldwide and are looking to expand our team with dedicated top talents and experts who are ready to grow with us. Our dynamic and international team works with great passion and enthusiasm towards a great goal: To revolutionize the Home & Living market.

We’re are looking for talented innovative people who want to make a real difference to join our team. In maintaining our startup culture we know we won’t be right for everyone, but if you’re looking for the opportunity to make a real difference, achieve your full potential, and be given the space and support to do it read on…
We’re hiring a Senior IT Business Analyst – Order Fulfillment (f/m)

Home24 is searching for a Senior IT Business Analyst with substantial experience in order fulfilment processes on a large-scale platform. In this position, you will be responsible for articulating business requirements by both applying industry best practices and standards but also thinking outside the box. You will need to be a major influencer in the design and development of our fulfilment process and bring an intense focus on driving process quality, automation and customer satisfaction.

What you get to drive
• Develop a clear technology vision, strategy and implementation plan for our order fulfilment platform
• Model current and target state business process flows to help identify business process gaps and identify solutions that align with business strategies
• Gather, analyze and assess business requirements and recommend IT solutions with all relevant stakeholders across organizational boundaries
• Create and manage documentation throughout the lifecycle of the project to ensure the work we do is visible now and in the future through concept, requirements, design, test, and implementation
• Incorporate industry research and market analysis into business requirements and software architecture
• Working closely with our technical experts, translate business requirements into technical specifications
• Collaborate with business and IT teams to balance business requirements with technical feasibility and prioritize bug fixes/enhancement requests effectively
• Perform measures to achieve the desired level of quality
• Constantly improve processes, interfaces and UIs with the goal of a lean company
• Create a minimum set of Key Performance Indicators and continually measure success against them

What we offer you
• Chance to make an impact! We need leaders with an aptitude and appetite for challenge, growth and change!
• Ability to shape highly strategic and pivotal IT projects that builds the basis for the next level of Home24’s growth strategy
• A highly motivated team of professional designers, developers, analysts, database and system operators, quality and product managers
• Opportunity to work with smart and talented people across the entire company as well as some very inspiring leaders with exceptional vision and drive!
• Opportunities for advancement – autonomy, independence, the opportunity to take on responsibility and standing accountable for delivery
• An open-minded and adaptive culture ready for incorporating new and creative ideas and approaches
• A merit-centric environment
• A “Zero Politics” workplace
• Access to the Rocket Internet technology network
• Skill-dependent, negotiable salary – don’t hesitate to approach us
• A freshly furnished office space showcasing our assortment
• Internal leadership training and development
• International colleagues from over 30 different countries
• Relocation support for our international recruits
• Benefits including employee discounts on all of our assortment, team events, free fruit and drinks, German language classes and more!

Your strengths and experience
• BS or MS degree in Computer Science / Business Engineering or similar
• Operating at a senior management level in a Technology department but also broadly across the business
• Understand business processes quickly and having the ability to do cost / benefit analysis
• Building relationships and managing senior stakeholders in challenging, evolving environments
• Deal with complexity and develop a strategy in a fast-paced environment
• Engage and influence employees, peers and service consumers
• Modeling techniques and methodologies
• Have solid operations (i.e. supply chain management, warehousing, distribution) and financial business knowledge
• The Art of Simplicity - simplifying processes while still solving problems
• Excellent communication skills
• Retail, e-Commerce or Logistics sectors are beneficial
If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Senior IT Project Manager (f/m)

Home24 AG
10405 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Home24 is Europe’s largest online destination for home furniture and decor. Being a dynamic, fast-growing market leader, our goal is to consistently provide our customers with the best service and assortment. Backed by well-known investors, we are among the top 20 of Europe’s fastest growing e-commerce companies and with a valuation of USD 1 bn one of the most attractive and highly valued opportunities in tech.

Home24 is currently active in 8 countries in Europe and Latin America. We employ more than 1,000 people worldwide and are looking to expand our team with dedicated top talents and experts who are ready to grow with us. Our dynamic and international team works with great passion and enthusiasm towards a great goal: To revolutionize the Home & Living market.

We’re are looking for talented innovative people who want to make a real difference to join our team. In maintaining our startup culture we know we won’t be right for everyone, but if you’re looking for the opportunity to make a real difference, achieve your full potential, and be given the space and support to do it read on…

We’re hiring a Senior IT Project Manager (f/m)

Home24 is searching for a Senior IT Project Manager with long-term experience in managing multiple large-scale and cross-functional projects in Technology. In this position, you will be responsible for driving multi-national teams, supporting the continuous development of our fulfillment platform

What you get to drive
• Coordinate internal teams, third party providers, vendors and business stakeholders for projects which are continuously improving our fulfillment platform platform
• Ensure that all dependencies on developing a distributed, service-oriented system landscape are addressed
• Drive Make-or-Buy decisions for selecting suitable solutions for the order fulfillment platform
• Ensure that all projects are delivered on-time, within scope and within budget
• Manage changes to the project considering defined scope, schedule and costs
• Measure project performance using appropriate KPIs and techniques
• Report and escalate to the Management Team as needed
• Successfully manage the relationships within teams and stakeholders
• Set up risk management and execute measures for minimizing project risks
• Create and maintain a proper project setup and documentation
• Contribute towards developing a project management framework and guidelines at Home24

What we offer you
• Opportunity to work with great inspiring people
• Openness to new ideas and creativity
• Strategic IT projects that build the basis for the next level of growth at Home24
• Ownership for topics and direct interaction with Senior Management
• No politics, but pure focus on delivering results on a rapid scale
• Access to the Rocket Internet technology network
• International colleagues from over 30 different countries
• Skill-dependent, negotiable salary – don’t hesitate to approach us
• Benefits as employee discount, team events, free fruit, drinks and more

Your strengths and experience
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Management Information Systems, Computer Science, Business Engineering or similar field
• 5+ years of experience in managing software integration and application landscape transformation projects based on a combination of standard and custom solutions in close alignment with business stakeholders
• Knowledge of project management standards and techniques (PRINCE, PMI or other)
• General technical understanding of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, interface design and/or implementation of microservices
• Experience within either Retail, e-Commerce, or Logistics sector
• Solid business process knowledge in Operations (i.e., supply chain management, warehousing, distribution) and/or Finance/Accounting
• Experience of building relationships and managing senior stakeholders in challenging, evolving environments
• Proficiency in operating at a senior management level in IT, preferably global business
• Ability to deal with complexity and develop a strategy in a fast paced environment
• Ability to engage and influence employees, peers and service consumers
• Good understanding of agile project management frameworks like Scrum or Kanban
• Ability to plan and conduct complex negotiations reaching lasting valuable agreements and commitments
• Excellent communication, presentation and moderation skills
• Structured and analytical thinking

If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Senior Manager Technology Branding and People (f/m)

Home24 AG
10405 Berlin
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Home24 is Europe’s largest online destination for home furniture and decor. Being a dynamic, fast-growing market leader, our goal is to consistently provide our customers with the best service and assortment. Backed by well-known investors, we are among the top 20 of Europe’s fastest growing e-commerce companies and with a valuation of USD 1 bn one of the most attractive and highly valued opportunities in tech.

Home24 is currently active in 8 countries in Europe and Latin America. We employ more than 1,000 people worldwide and are looking to expand our team with dedicated top talents and experts who are ready to grow with us. Our dynamic and international team works with great passion and enthusiasm towards a great goal: To revolutionize the Home & Living market.

We’re are looking for talented innovative people who want to make a real difference to join our team. In maintaining our startup culture we know we won’t be right for everyone, but if you’re looking for the opportunity to make a real difference, achieve your full potential, and be given the space and support to do it read on…

We’re hiring a Senior Manager Technology Branding and People (f/m)
Home24 Technology is looking to rapidly expand this year which has created an insatiable appetite to refresh our public profile so that we can continue attracting world-class talent! In addition, we will also ensure that we retain all of the talent that we bring in.
The role would ultimately be focused on developing a more active public persona in the Tech job market within Berlin if not across Europe. It would include activities such as developing a stronger media presence through the development of profiles, stories, videos and blogs that illuminate the work that we do; creating a physical space that creates a sense of comfort and focus; and hosting events that develop broader brand-recognition in the market among.
This is a very unique and rare opportunity that will suit an equally as unique and people-oriented person.

What you get to drive
• Develop a clear vision, strategy and implementation plan for the development of the Home24 Technology brand
• Create a vibrancy within the group that creates a sense of purpose, belonging and inspiration
• Work with leaders in Technology, HR and Marketing to develop key messages, job postings and media assets (videos, photos, etc) that attract exceptional talent
• Ensure that job advertisements are consistent and relevant with broader market trends and our digital competitors
• Lead the development of a new Technology blog that creates a unique but definite voice in the public sphere
• Develop our presence on social media channels (eg Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc)
• Research and recommend employee benefits that can be offered to attract and retain talent
• Help uplift the physical space of the Technology group
• Develop an onboarding program for our new arrivals to ensure they are incorporated into the team as fluidly as possible
• Identify conferences and Meet Ups that team members can attend to speak at and encourage participation
• Help re-design the Career Page for Technology to convey what it is that Home24 is seeking to achieve
• Help the technical team launch Home24-sponsored public events such as Meet Ups or Tech Talks

What we offer you
• Chance to make an impact! We need leaders with an aptitude and appetite for challenge, growth and change!
• Ability to shape a highly strategic and pivotal program that will build the basis for the next level of Home24’s growth strategy!
• A highly motivated team of professional Tech people as well as key people across the company to promote a consistent message about our people-value proposition at Home24
• Opportunity to connect with some very inspiring leaders with exceptional vision and drive!
• Opportunities for advancement – autonomy, independence, the opportunity to take on responsibility and standing accountable for delivery
• An open-minded and adaptive culture ready for incorporating new and creative ideas and approaches
• A merit-centric environment – A “Zero Politics” workplace
• Access to the Rocket Internet technology network
• Skill-dependent, negotiable salary – don’t hesitate to approach us
• A freshly furnished office space showcasing our assortment
• Internal leadership training and development
• International colleagues from over 30 different countries
• Relocation support for our international recruits
• Benefits including employee discounts on all of our assortment, team events, free fruit and drinks, German language classes and more!

Your strengths and experience
• Energetic, creative, positive and ambitious!
• Experience leading teams and/or programs of work
• High level of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence
• Excellent communication and relationship-building skills
• Ability to engage and influence employees and peers
• Experience building a professional brand presence
• Experience working in digital companies and with technology teams is a must- it is critical you understand the core processes, functions and rhythm of what it takes for Technology teams to deliver results
• Good understanding of the Agile development methodology
• Bachelor degree educated is a must in any number of disciplines including but not limited to media, management, marketing, HR. Those with formal training in Management Information Systems, Computer Science or similar technical disciplines are especially sought after as an in-depth understanding of the software development process and players is important.
• Fluent in English, proficiency in German is beneficial though not necessary

If you are interested in being a part of an exciting success story, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send us a copy of your resume and relevant credentials (including a copy of your diploma, if available), as well as your expected salary and earliest possible start date.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • Java

Product Owner (m/w) Web- & Mobilapplikationen

50670 Köln
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Die INTERNETONE AG ist Spezialist für Performance-Marketing und eine der führenden deutschen Internetagenturen. Das Leistungsspektrum des Kölner Full Service Providers für seine Kunden umfasst den Aufbau von Portalen, Shops und Games inklusive der Umsetzung von IT-Strukturen. Ebenfalls leistet das Unternehmen Produktmanagement über den gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg, Vermarktung, Optimierung der Conversion und Skalierung inklusive internationaler Roll-Outs.

Zur Unterstützung unseres Teams suchen wir derzeit einen

Product Owner (m/w) Web- & Mobilapplikationen

Ihre Aufgaben:

• Verantwortung für die Produktentwicklung und Koordination der Umsetzung von neuen Features von Web- & Mobilapplikationen
•Überprüfung von eingehenden neuen Features auf Machbarkeit
• Schreiben von User-Stories für die Entwickler
• detaillierte Dokumentation für die jeweiligen Produktanforderungen
• Schnittstelle zwischen Produkt- und IT-Verantwortlichen
• fachlicher Ansprechpartner für einen Trainee

Ihr Profil:

• abgeschlossenes Studium und fundierte Erfahrung im Schreiben von Anforderungen für webbasierte Produkte
• Kombination aus kaufmännischem und technischem Sachverstand
• gutes Verständnis für Webtechnologien
• fließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Unser Angebot:

• ein starkes Unternehmen mit zweistelligem jährlichen Wachstum seit 2009
• ein vielfältiges Aufgabengebiet in einem international erfolgreichen Unternehmen
• sehr gute Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und viel eigener Gestaltungsfreiraum
• hervorragende Verkehrsanbindung zu einem modernen und großzügigen Arbeitsplatz
• ein sympathisches, leistungsorientiertes und internationales Team mit flachen Hierarchien

Klingt das nach Ihrer neuen Herausforderung? Dann senden Sie uns bitte Ihre vollständigen und aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter der Kennung SWE-TEAm-1629 an career@internetone.ag

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Weitere Infos finden Sie auf www.internetone.ag

KölnTurm / Im Mediapark 8
50670 Köln

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • .NET

PHP-Entwickler Backend (m/w)

1A Surfen OHG
47167 Duisburg
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Kurz, knapp und ohne Prosa:

Wir suchen einen PHP-Entwickler am Standort Duisburg mit Schwerpunkt EDI, der nicht bemuttert werden muss und sich dazu in der Lage sieht, Teilprojekte (nach Einarbeitung in die Thematik) eigenständig zu bearbeiten.

Erste Herausforderung: Die Bewerbungen bitte kurz und knackig halten -- ach so: und keine Zertifikate von VHS-Kursen etc. mitsenden, das interessiert hier niemanden.

Du solltest es schlicht und einfach lieben, zu coden und wissen, was Du tust.

Das war's auch schon. Bock auf den Job? Dann bitte melden und es geht direkt ab August los.

Thx :)

btw: Vergiss nicht, Deine Gehaltsvorstellung anzugeben, sonst können wir mit der Bewerbung nichts anfangen.

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • PHP

Frontendentwickler (m/w) für spannende Webprojekte!

599media GmbH
09599 Freiberg (Home-Office möglich)
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Du bist Entwickler-/in und hast Spaß daran, richtig guten Code zu schreiben? Du suchst eine Umgebung, in der du dich weiterentwickeln und deine Passion für gute Websites ausleben kannst? Du möchtest eine Festanstellung und hast es satt, dich selbst um Aufträge als Freelancer zu kümmern oder bist bereit für eine neue Herausforderung?

Neben bereits bestehenden Projekten bei denen Wartung, Pflege und Weiterentwicklung anstehen, gibt es vor allem neue Websites umzusetzen. Du arbeitest in unserem Team gemeinsam mit Entwicklern, Konzeptern und Designern an umfangreichen TYPO3-Projekten, wobei du für die Konfiguration sowie für die Entwicklung kundenspezifischer Anpassungen und Erweiterungen verantwortlich bist. Dabei kannst du deine Fähigkeiten und Ideen vollumfänglich einbringen, denn wir schauen gern über den Tellerrand und blicken auch mal hinter die Kulissen von Symfony, Solr oder auch Node.js.
Da wir unsere stetig wachsende Anzahl an Kunden auch in Zukunft glücklich machen wollen, brauchen wir dich:
Als Backendentwickler-/in mit Herz und Seele, mit Leidenschaft für guten Code sowie einer Vorliebe für schnelle, gut funktionierende und zukunftstaugliche Websites.

Warum Du?

- sehr gute Kenntnisse in HTML5/CSS3 (responsive, mobile-first) und Browserkompatibilität
- Frameworks und Grid-Systeme (Foundation, Bootstrap u. ä.)
- idealerweise Erfahrungen mit einem CSS-Precompiler
- fundiertes Wissen in Javascript (vornehmlich jQuery)
- sicherer Umgang mit git zur Versionsverwaltung
- Fähigkeit sehr sauberen, kompakten und verständlichen Code zu schreiben
- eigenständige Arbeitsweise und Teamfähigkeit

Warum Wir?

- moderner Arbeitsplatz in entspannter Atmosphäre
- Ruhe zum Nachdenken und Coden
- Betriebssystem/Hardware frei wählbar
- flexible Arbeitszeiten (Gleitzeit) und ansprechende Vergütung
- flache Hierarchien und ein hilfsbereites Team
- freie Getränke und einen Balkon mit Grill
- regelmäßige Betriebsausflüge und -feiern
- Supermärkte und Imbissstände quasi um die Ecke

Von ein paar Tools hast du gehört, von einigen noch nie?
Macht auch nichts. Es sind nur Tools und die sind im Zweifelsfall erlernbar.

Unsere Mission: Make it perfect. Get better. Be kind and have fun.

Willst du mit uns gehen? Dann bewirb dich jetzt einfach über unser Online-Bewerbungsformular unter


Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • PHP
  • TYPO3
  • HTML & CSS

Webentwickler/PHP (m/w) mit Leidenschaft für guten Code!

599media GmbH
09599 Freiberg (Home-Office möglich)
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Du bist Entwickler-/in und hast Spaß daran, richtig guten Code zu schreiben? Du suchst eine Umgebung, in der du dich weiterentwickeln und deine Passion für gute Websites ausleben kannst? Du möchtest eine Festanstellung und hast es satt, dich selbst um Aufträge als Freelancer zu kümmern oder bist bereit für eine neue Herausforderung?

Neben bereits bestehenden Projekten bei denen Wartung, Pflege und Weiterentwicklung anstehen, gibt es vor allem neue Websites umzusetzen. Du arbeitest in unserem Team gemeinsam mit Entwicklern, Konzeptern und Designern an umfangreichen TYPO3-Projekten, wobei du für die Konfiguration sowie für die Entwicklung kundenspezifischer Anpassungen und Erweiterungen verantwortlich bist. Dabei kannst du deine Fähigkeiten und Ideen vollumfänglich einbringen, denn wir schauen gern über den Tellerrand und blicken auch mal hinter die Kulissen von Symfony, Solr oder auch Node.js.
Da wir unsere stetig wachsende Anzahl an Kunden auch in Zukunft glücklich machen wollen, brauchen wir dich:
Als Backendentwickler-/in mit Herz und Seele, mit Leidenschaft für guten Code sowie einer Vorliebe für schnelle, gut funktionierende und zukunftstaugliche Websites.

Warum Du?

- sehr gute Kenntnisse in PHP und MySQL
- gute Kenntnisse in HTML, CSS und JavaScript (vorwiegend jQuery)
- idealerweise Erfahrungen mit TYPO3 und TypoScript
- MVC, DDD und Unit-Testing sind keine Fremdwörter
- sicherer Umgang mit git zur Versionsverwaltung
- Fähigkeit sehr sauberen, kompakten und verständlichen Code zu schreiben
- eigenständige Arbeitsweise und Teamfähigkeit

Warum Wir?

- moderner Arbeitsplatz in entspannter Atmosphäre
- Ruhe zum Nachdenken und Coden
- Betriebssystem/Hardware frei wählbar
- flexible Arbeitszeiten (Gleitzeit) und ansprechende Vergütung
- flache Hierarchien und ein hilfsbereites Team
- freie Getränke und einen Balkon mit Grill
- regelmäßige Betriebsausflüge und -feiern
- Supermärkte und Imbissstände quasi um die Ecke

Von ein paar Tools hast du gehört, von einigen noch nie?
Macht auch nichts. Es sind nur Tools und die sind im Zweifelsfall erlernbar.

Unsere Mission: Make it perfect. Get better. Be kind and have fun.

Willst du mit uns gehen? Dann bewirb dich jetzt einfach über unser Online-Bewerbungsformular unter


Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • PHP

Inhouse C# .NET Web Entwickler (m/w)

Axivas Deutschland GmbH
68723 Schwetzingen
Festanstellung (Vollzeit)

Was erwartet Dich?
- Ein dynamisches, internationales Unternehmen und ein tolles Team
- Ein unkompliziertes Miteinander: Wir duzen uns und sind frei von Dresscodes
- Eine angemessene Vergütung
- Ein strukturiertes Onboarding und kontinuierliche Soft-Skills-Trainings
- Viele komplexe Aufgaben und die Möglichkeit was zu bewegen
- Arbeit im Headquarter Schwetzingen (in der Nähe von Mannheim/Heidelberg) ohne Reisetätigkeiten
- Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten mit viel Freiraum für eigene Ideen

Was solltest Du mitbringen?
- Ein abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich (Wirtschafts-) Informatik
- Als Quereinsteiger mindestens zwei Jahre praktische Berufserfahrung in der IT Entwicklung
- Exzellente Programmierkenntnisse in C# oder Visual Basic.NET
- Sichere Datenbankkenntnisse in Microsoft SQL-Server
- Gute Kenntnisse in aktuellen Webtechnologien (ASP.NET MVC, REST-APIs)
- Kenntnisse in der Arbeit mit CSS, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX und jQuery
- Nice-to-Haves: PHP, IIS, WPF, WCF, TFS, WebServices
- Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
- Selbstständige Arbeitsweise und ein hohes Maß an Engagement sowie Teamfähigkeit

Was fängst Du damit bei uns an?
- Du bist maßgeblich am Design und der Implementierung neuer Tools beteiligt
- Implementierst benutzerfreundliche, webbasierte Frontends und Backend-Systeme mit Anbindung an SQL Server
- Dokumentierst Deine maßgeschneiderten Lösungen
- Sicherst die internen Qualitätsmanagement-Prozesse und machst Code Reviews

Was kommt sonst noch dazu?
- Das Aufsetzen von Telemarketing Projekten in unserem selbst entwickelten CRM System
- Das Abbilden von Kommunikationsprozessen in workfloworientierter Software
- Das Design und die Implementierung von Auswertungen für Telemarketing-Projekte

Sende uns Deinen Lebenslauf, Gehaltsvorstellung und den nächstmöglichen Eintrittstermin an bewerbung@axivas.com

Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen!

Ansprechpartner für Bewerbungen
  • .NET
  • JavaScript & AJAX
  • C
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